If you were following our site & label, you might have noticed that last year we released the previously unreleased 2nd album of NNP – Resurrection (which were recorded back in 1999-2000 but was shelved afterwards). Now, we are proud to announce the re-release of N.N.P.’s classic debut album – Everydaylife$tyle which originally was out on BMG Ariola in 1997. It’s not just some typical reissue but some special Collectors Edition which was made from the Original Master Disc which was sent by the group to the label back then, where there we found 2 special Mixes of “Summer” song & added by “Togetha” Original Remix (found by DJ K.I.P. in his archives but never released before).
It’s extremely-limited CD edition but as always before, it’s real CD press, and you can check the full album & order CD (which comes with digital download) at our OFFICIAL BANDCAMP👈